Iaito (iaitō) rensei (錬成 training), unsharpened katana
Training katana, unsharpened Maru 1045 steel blade, rounded tip
I accompany practitioners as they progress to master the art of Japanese swordplay. I'm not sharpened, so I can train intensively without risk. My traditional frame is sober. My slightly open tsuba makes it easy to draw with the thumb, samurai-style.
Learning the katana involves the use of several types of training weapons, in particular the bokken (wooden sword), the iaïto (unsharpened blade) and the katana (razor-sharp blade). The aim is to master all aspects of martial swordplay: the art of drawing, guiding the blade in space, cutting and sheathing.
"In our school, you have to win, whether you have a long or short weapon. So the length of a sword doesn't matter to us. The will to win with any weapon: that is the Way of our school".
Miyamoto Musashi (1584 - 1645), sword-fighting expert, author of the "Treaty of the Five Wheels" (Gorin-no-sho)
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