#Terressens | Samurais & Katanas | Custom engraving (laser engraving on a katana blade)

Custom engraving

Make your katana, wakizashi, tantō or iaïtō unique with laser engraving customization of its blade

Combined with our logistics center, our personalization workshop enables us to laser-engrave katana blades. Personalize your katana blade with a word, a phrase, a Japanese translation, a symbol, a drawing...
We offer a consulting and engraving package. Engraving using a specific design may be subject to an additional charge if we don't have an image of sufficient quality (if specific processing is required to make the design usable in our workshop). Use our form below or thechatbox to define and create your personalized engraving project.
Don't forget to place the katana, wakizashi or tantō in your cart too. The engraving order alone does not include the support on which we need to carry it out.

Reference n° 0431- 48 to 72 hours of personalization
24 € (may vary according to complexity)

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shadow screen curve

Photo gallery

Here are a few examples (laser engraving on katanas, from left to right) :
. Engrave your katana" text in a loose font (Chopin Script)
. Cherry branch, a typical samurai symbol
. Tribal dragon
. Japanese quote "speak little, but act" (不言実行)
. Words in Japanese: sincerity and courage (front / back of blade: two engravings)
. Chinese dragon
. Quote from the film "The Last Samurai": "I belong to the warrior who combines old and new ways" (今古有神奉志土), followed by the logo of the Montpellier Ju-Jitsu club on the habaki (two engravings).
. Tribal salamander
. Cherry branch with two names phonetically translated into Japanese and kabuto (samurai helmet) on the habaki (two engravings)
. Fudō Myōō (不動明王) in his dragon form wrapped around a sword (Kurikara Fudō; large engraving (21 mm), straddling the throat).
. Rose
. Cherry branch with a first name phonetically translated into Japanese

Video teaser

Laser engraving on a black Miyamoto Musashi sharpened katana 宮本 武蔵, ref. 498 (single version) or 0464 (deluxe version with box, stand and kit)
Engraving: 宮本 武蔵 新免武蔵守藤原玄信
"Miyamoto Musashi" 宮本 武蔵 followed by his full name "Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami Fujiwara no Harunobu" 新免武蔵守藤原玄信
Director: Thibault Alignan, thibault.alignan@gmail.com

Creative space

Personalization by laser engraving opens up an infinite field of possibilities. You can choose the direction of the blade, but above all let your creativity run wild - or let our specialists guide you - to create a unique combination: text, translation, graphics... All Windows fonts and free fonts are available, as are Japanese words and texts. For graphics, we have an exclusive library, but we can also use a specific illustration such as a logo, coat of arms, signature...

Engravings are made between the throat and the temper line (true or false). This leaves a height of around 10 mm. Depending on your preference, your engraving can be more or less discreet. Bear in mind, however, that very fine graphics require a sufficiently large surface area for the details to be of good quality.

Custom engraving #Terressens : Tsuka on the right, blade thread upwards
Tsuka on right, blade thread upwards
The engraving is visible to the practitioner when he takes the blade out of its scabbard (iaïdō practice, for example).
It is also visible when the katana is placed on a support in its "at war" position (ready for use).

Custom engraving #Terressens : Tsuka on the left, blade thread upwards
Tsuka on left, blade thread upwards
Opposite to the previous one, this direction places the engraving on the outside of the practitioner, symbolically visible to the opponent.
It is also on the visible side when the katana is placed on a support in its "at peace" position (it must be turned over to be held).

Custom engraving #Terressens : Tsuka on the right, blade thread downwards
Tsuka on the right, blade thread downwards

Custom engraving #Terressens : Tsuka on the left, blade thread downwards
Tsuka on the left, blade thread downwards

Your text can be written in any available font (supplied with Windows or available without a license). Here are a few examples:
Examples of fonts available for #Terressens engravings on a katana blade Examples of fonts available for #Terressens engravings on a katana blade
If you'd like a text, we'll suggest over 60 fonts when we discuss your engraving project.

Other languages can also be used, especially Japanese. Here are the words and proverbs most appreciated by our customers:
勇 仁 礼 誠 名誉 忠義 The 7 virtues of the Bushidō: righteousness, courage, benevolence, politeness, sincerity, honor and loyalty
武士道B ushidō
名誉Hon or, prestige
Lo ve
柔道 Jūdō
道場 Dōjō
勇者H ero, brave man, man of valor
居合道 Iaïdō
柔道 Jūdō
自他共栄 Mutual aid and prosperity (judō)
抜刀術 Battōdō
忍者N inja
葉隠Ha gakure

恋は思案の外 "Love is beyond reason"
不言実行 "Talk little, but act"
塵も積もれば山となる "Great things are made little by little" (Poussières entassées font montagnes)
花は桜木人は武士 "The most beautiful of flowers is the cherry blossom, the best of men is the warrior"
今古有神奉志土 "I belong to the warrior who will have combined the old and new ways", from the film "The Last Samurai".

We also offer a selection of Japanese quotations and proverbs, which can be personalized to suit your personal philosophy or a special occasion, either on their own or with a graphic design.

You can, of course, combine a text in a Western font with a word or quotation in kanji (Japanese ideograms). First names can also be translated, for example: Lucas becomes ルカ. As pronunciations differ greatly between Japanese and French, this will always be a phonetic approximation.

The illustration to be engraved can be part of our graphic base, but you can also suggest your own. However, its quality, finesse and adaptability to the engraving technique (definition of engraved and non-engraved areas) can make it difficult to produce. That's why we prefer to offer you a consulting and engraving package. Here are just a few of the designs we regularly engrave on katana blades:
Examples of graphics to engrave on a katana blade: cherry branch, rose, koi carp and Tianlong (Chinese dragon) #Terressens Examples of graphics to engrave on a katana blade: Hagakure, devil mask, dragon and bamboo #Terressens

We can suggest other locations for the engravings, such as the Mune (back of the blade) or the Habaki (brass piece that protects the blade on the Tsuba side and penetrates the saya). However, these areas are reserved for specific graphics (lengthwise for the back of the blade, for example).

Please note that the package we offer may not be suitable for all projects. Graphic processing, the search for special resources or the complete creation of a graphic design may require the use of our specialized service. If you have any doubts about a special project, please consult us.

Inspiration gallery

Looking for inspiration for your personalized engraving? We've created several examples adapted to the engraving process. In fact, for a sharpened katana, for example, we have a 150 x 9 mm plane on which to place the engraving (on a decorative model or one without a throat, the width can be as much as 13 to 15 mm, depending on the model). This means we sometimes have to adapt the graphics to this technical constraint (laser plane and blade geometry).

These elements can be combined and/or associated with other texts, such as a first name phonetically translated into Japanese. To complete this gallery, we also offer a selection of Japanese quotations and proverbs.

Inspiration" series: cherry branch and proverb "Yesterday's flower is today's dream".
1 - Cherry branch and proverb "Yesterday's flower is today's dream" - (things are impermanent, everything changes)
(things are impermanent, everything changes)
Inspiration" series: roses and the proverb "Love is beyond reason
2 - Roses and the proverb "Love is beyond reason" -
Inspiration" series: bamboo and the proverb "Fall down seven times, get up eight".
3 - Bamboo and the proverb "Fall down seven times, get up eight".
Inspiration" series: Japanese dragon and Ryū in kanji
4 - Japanese dragon and Ryū in kanji -
(engraving for vertical reading)
Inspiration" series: celestial dragon
5 - Celestial Dragon -
Inspiration" series: white dragon, black dragon and "absolute invincibility" in kanji
6 - White dragon, black dragon and "absolute invincibility" in kanji -
Inspiration" series: koi carp and the proverb "A carp on the cutting board".
7 - Koi carp and the proverb "A carp on the chopping board" -
(We cannot circumvent our destiny)
Inspiration" series: Mount Fuji, torii and the proverb "Patience is a treasure of life".
8 - Mount Fuji, torii and the proverb "Patience is a treasure of life".
Inspiration" series: cherry branch and proverb "The most beautiful flower is the cherry blossom, the best man is the warrior".
9 - Cherry branch and proverb: "The most beautiful flower is the cherry, the best man is the warrior".
Inspiration" series: cherry branch and proverb "Fall seven times, get up eight".
10 - Cherry branch and the proverb "Fall down seven times, get up eight".
Inspiration" series: Fudō Myōō (不動明王) in his dragon form wrapped around a sword (Kurikara Fudō) 11 - Fudō Myōō (不動明王) in his dragon form wrapped around a sword (Kurikara Fudō) -
Fudō Myōō, the immutable master, is a Buddhist deity of the mikkyō...see more

Technique & history

Laser engraving
A high-powered laser beam generates sufficient heat to pulverize the surface material. As a result, the designs are very fine, appearing in black (anthracite) on the metal.
Because laser engraving is performed on the surface, it has no undesirable effect on the blade's characteristics. Traditionally, katana blades were often engraved. These engravings (Horimono 彫り物) were carved into the metal (bas-relief).

A Horimono (彫り物 literally sculpture, engraving), also known as a chōkoku (彫刻, "sculpture"), is an image engraved into the blade of a Japanese nihonto (日本 刀) sword, katana or tantō. There is a wide variety of models that can represent "claws", arabesques, lotus flowers, fruits, dragons.... These sculptures are hollowed out of metal.
The term Horimono also refers to traditional Japanese tattoos.

Advice and engraving package
We offer a consulting and engraving package to provide you with a truly personalized service (see procedure below). After defining the broad outlines of your project together, we will propose between one and three projects, taking into account your wishes as well as technical constraints (size of the area available for engraving, fineness of lines, etc.). We reserve the right to refuse an unfeasible request. In such cases (which we have never yet encountered), the engraving will be reimbursed.



Select the katana

Select a katana from our decorative collection, in sharpened or training (iaïtō) versions.
Place the item in your shopping cart.


Order engraving

Add the engraving service ("Add to cart" button above this page).


Confirm your order

Proceed to secure online payment (credit card or PayPal).


Define your project

You'll then be put in touch with a technical advisor. By e-mail or instant messaging, you can define and refine your engraving project.



After one or more exchanges, you will receive a simulation (draft production sheet) which you can validate or ask to rework.
Please note: the price may vary if graphic work is required (e.g. logo, signature, family coat of arms, etc.).


Receive your personalized katana

Once your katana has been engraved, it goes through the normal channels of our logistics organization: packing, shipping, transport and... receipt of parcel.

We engrave in our workshop in France. When the item to be personalized is in stock, the engraving time is one to two working days, giving a delivery time of 4 to 5 working days. This period starts from the moment you approve the draft production sheet.

The engraving project is defined once the order has been validated. Our technical department then contacts you, usually by e-mail, to gather the information we need to propose an engraving project. Once the project has been validated, it is sent to the workshop for production.

As part of the process of foaming an engraving project, we select the typeface to be used. We currently offer around ten fonts for texts (or first names) in Japanese, and around sixty for texts in European languages.

The answer depends on the design in question. Indeed, the quality of the image supplied can make engraving difficult or impossible. The laser engraves in black and white. There is no color or grayscale. What's more, the resolution of the image to be engraved must be sufficient for engraving. For 300 DPI (300 dots per inch) resolution, the image must be at least 1,181 pixels for an engraving length of 10 cm.

The focal plane of our laser is 150 x 150 mm. In other words, an engraving cannot exceed 150 mm in its longest dimension. Longer engravings are possible, but will require two engraving services, for example, if the length is between 150 and 300 mm.
The surface area available can also limit the size of the engraving. On a katana, wakizashi or tantō with a throat, for example, the height will not exceed 9 mm (unless part of the engraving is integrated into a wave of the hamon).

It is possible to engrave on both sides. However, you need to add two engraving services to your basket to validate the double personalization service.

Customer reviews #Terressens on Trustpilot (verified reviews)
Franck Chambeyron ()
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what more can I say than that thanks to the good...
what's more, thanks to the good advice of the great Samurai Philippe contal, over the years I've acquired a very fine collection which has just exceeded 54 pieces, so that once again, thanks to the CEO of # terressens and KATANA, I've rediscovered a certain spiritual serenity 🙏🏼🙏🏼 each piece is unique, each as beautiful as the next, and I've turned it into a PRIVATE LYONNAIS SHOW ROOM dedicated to # TERRESSENS KATANAS ,free choice for Mr contal to put the photo of the entrance to my show room!!! NAMASTE

Trustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot Reviews
Good evening
Good evening, I've just received my umpteenth Katana, happier and happier!!!! Each katana gets an engraved quote. In addition, a perfect understanding with Philippe.... I highly recommend the Teressens site.

Angélique PORCHAS ()
Trustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot Reviews
Magnificent Katana
Our 10 year old son is crazy about it!
I recommend this site, very serious and very professional.
Many thanks

Jc ()
Trustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot Reviews
Magnificent Katana with a very pretty...
Beautiful Katana with a very nice engraving .
We exchanged several times and received a quick response each time.
Thank you

Vis_Honor ()
Trustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot ReviewsTrustpilot Reviews
Total satisfaction!
2nd purchase and again very satisfied.
1 katana for each of my sons, and they are engraved in memory.
They take pride of place in the living room and are the envy of many.
Serious in every way.
Finishing, engraving, delivery all perfect.
Thank you.


Secure payment: your choice
Banque Populaire du Sud
Credit cards accepted by Banque Populaire du Sud

PayPalwith or without account (CB)

Scalapay: 3 times free of charge
Pay in 3 free instalments with Scalapay

Cheque or bank transfer (contact us)

. French company
. Integrated warehousing and logistics
. No customs duties
. Studio and engraving workshop
. Shipment within 48 working hours
. Delivery in mainland France and Europe (Euro zone: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia); D.O.M. / T.O.M.: on quotation. Please contact us for further information.
. 14-day right of withdrawal

Parcel tracking #Terressens
Your Colissimo tracking space allows you to track and manage the delivery of your parcels.

Useful links
Customer reviews
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